Intro series - Exposed Spine Journals - 3.5.25

Intro series - Exposed Spine Journals - 3.5.25
Saturday the 3rd of May
Juju Books, Glasgow
10am - 5pm
During this workshop we’ll bind two different books per person, each making a unique feature of the hand sewing. We’ll make a hardcov3r longstitch and softcover chain stitch.
We’ll learn:
~How to handle tools, materials and adhesives
~How to make hardcovers from paper and bookcloth
~How to prepare paper for sewing
~Two exposed spine stitches
~The importance of grain direction when choosing materials
As well as lots of tips and tricks of the trade along the way.
The cost includes all professional tools and materials, and an abundance of carefully selected bookcloths and hand marbled papers. Everyone will leave with two hand bound books to take away, and the skills to make more at home.
Both methods make a gorgeous feature of the spine sewing - a longstitch and a chain stitch. These methods open completely flat, making them perfect for sketchbooks and note taking. They don’t require heavy or expensive tools, so you’ll be able to bind these at home easily.
Suitable for beginners who are good with their hands, as well as those with some experience. This is perfect for booklovers, artists and writers looking to learn a rich and versatile craft.
We’ll have refreshments to keep us going throughout the day as well as a lunch break, so please let me know at the time of booking if you have any dietary requirements.
Please note that workshop places are limited and only run if a certain number of places are booked. Bookings are non-refundable unless a replacement can be found. Please make sure you can make the date before booking.